Sunday 4 January 2015

Sea Salt is my Vicodin - How I De-stress

Happy Sunday-ayyy!

I am obsessed with the beach! Whether it's cause of boredom, anxiety or just my wanderlust spirit, I always find myself craving a trip to the beach. Last April, I remember I literally went to the beach everyday for a week. I just can never get enough of that place.

Whenever I feel super stressed, I ask my boyfriend to take me to the beach, the boardwalk or anywhere near the ocean. He mostly says "No!", but when he does give in to my random whims, it's always the 'best day ever'! For me, it's the scenery. I love taking pictures of the shoreline, rocks, the coconut tress and the horizon. My phone has over two thousand photos which I have taken of the ocean. I also love sitting in the water and letting the waves beat upon my body, because when I go to bed that night and I lay in my bed, I can feel the waves still beating on me, and the feeling is sooooo therapeutic. It's as if the ocean is rocking me to sleep!

The beach is also my thinking place. I sit on one of those  white reclining beach chairs you can rent from those fast boys, take in all the activity on the shore and reflect. I think about getting off the island and travelling somewhere far, far away. An escape. Going to the beach is like going on a mini, very limited vacation, but it's totally worth it! The little time I spend at the beach improves my mood and helps me to forget about the mountain pile of school assignments and other responsibilities I have. 
Another thing I love doing while at the beach is wandering around the few shops there. I've found really unique jewelry and memorabilia in those shops. There's the occasional angry shop owner who gets annoyed with me for walking around, playing with all the pretty things in the store, because I can stay in there for hours. I usually wear the jewelry I purchase from those shops, everyday. On a typical non-beach day, as I go about my activities, it's always nostalgic when I glimpse down at my Buddha Beaded Heads bracelet or glance at my butterfly earrings in a bathroom mirror.

One time, I was really sick. I think my allergies were acting up. My boyfriend, who lived near a beach, took me for a sea bath as the sun was setting.  (I love those!) Apparently sea baths are good for killing germs and bacteria that make us sick. We splashed each other, swam laps and hugged as the first stars appeared in the sky. Whoa! Thinking back, that was really romantic. Lol. But anyway, he told me to stand still in the water for a minute, so that these little fishes could come nibble on my skin. I think it was the same type of fish you would find at those fancy spas. They nibble on your dead skin cells, removing rough patches and leaving behind baby soft skin. It was a terrifying experience but I think the fish were more afraid of me than I was of them. Haha.. 

 I believe that my love of the ocean came from the weekly trips to Maracas Bay with my mum, when I was in my childhood years. Every Sunday, my mum would take me to her favorite beach on the island. I would attempt to build sand castles, she would bury me in the sand, then I would burst up and run, splashing into the water. After I had had enough, I would return to the shore and we would eat bake and shark sandwiches. I would drink malta, and she would have beer. Lol. I love those memories and I enjoy making new memories every time I visit the beach.

Okay, so I think that's enough for now guys. No? Thanks for going down memory lane with me and taking a look at how I de-stress. I think it's very important for each person to have their own way of disconnecting and finding some balance in their life. For me, the beach allows me this opportunity. How do you de-stress?

Jhalisa J.

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