Thursday 9 June 2016

My Huge Lisa Frank Collection | A Walk Down Memory Lane

This is the first post in hopefully what would be a 5 part series entitled 'A Walk Down Memory Lane'. In this series, I plan to cover 5 of my huge character collections I had as a child:

  1. Lisa Frank
  2. Hello Kitty
  3. Bratz 
  4. Minnie Mouse
  5. Paul Frank 

Let me just start off by saying that the inspiration for this series came about quite by accident. I was..............well I really don't know what the heck I was doing rummaging in my closet. But nevertheless, I happened upon one of my Lisa Frank folders.

Then another, and another. Before I knew it, I was taking my book space apart, hunting for the next sign of anything that resembled the vibrantly detailed artwork the Lisa Frank brand was so famous for. Eventually, my bed was covered in piles of folders, sticker sheets, notebooks, envelopes, sticky notes, magnets, photo albums, you name it! All from Lisa Frank. (While this is not my collection in its entirety, I tried to include as many things as I could find on the first shelf of my closet. Yes! All this is from a single shelf. )

I honestly could not believe that I had so many things from that brand and that they had lasted well into my adulthood. Overwhelmed with nostalgia, I quickly snapped a few shots of the pile, and sent it to my mom. Thanking her for spoiling me rotten. ❤️ And then, like any normal 22 year old today, I googled my beloved childhood brand to see if they were still around. Probably not! From what I could find or could not find.

 I started for one of the folders and read about the character. "Brooklyn". Her name was Brooklyn. A tatted up, bike riding chick with the strength and personality to match. Well, at least that's how they had described her.

In no particular order, I then read about Cassie, Glamour Girl and the rest of the "Fabulous 5". Finally, I realized why I had been such a fan of this artsy brand.

What I like about Lisa Frank is that no one girl is the star. They feature several girls who have different strengths and personalities, and who are very relatable. Reading the insert on the "Fabulous 5"; "Girls with a passion for fashion, love building websites and boy bands..." Hey! That sounds a lot like me! I also appreciate the fact that the characters look like real girls with average body types.

One of the things I remember about my primary school days is that every girl in my class was obsessed with Lisa Frank, and that we all tried to out do each other and collect as much Lisa Frank merchandise as we could lay our preteen hands on. I recollect some of my classmates were even part of the Lisa Frank club and received monthly stationery. I was so jealous, I think. (Laughs)

Today, the brand is such a huge part of my life and I never really noticed how effortlessly Lisa had morphed herself into my home. Hanging from my door knob is a Lisa Frank door sign with Glamour Girl clothed in a towel with the words "Privacy Please!"  I can't tell you how long that has been there and I only just really noticed it today. Well, I knew it was there, I just hadn't paid it any mind.

On my refrigerator is a Lisa Frank magnet with Angel The Cat, that I currently use to hang recipes and little reminders. I swear I hadn't noticed that it was something from my childhood yet alone, one of my favorite characters until this very day.

In fact, even the notebook which I use to write my blog post ideas and other notes is from, you guessed it! Lisa Frank. It has Cherri on the cover and she sits atop an ice cream sundae. Isn't that something?

For me, the true power of a brand is when they can create innovative products that transcend a lifetime. A company that praises individuality while encouraging creativity, kindness and respect for humans and animals alike. Lisa Frank is the true definition of #GirlPower and the type of company young girls need today.

I would love to see the Lisa Frank brand make a comeback.

Regardless, I am thankful for all of the values the brand represented and what Lisa Frank stood for will continue to live on in my memories and in me.

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