Wednesday 1 June 2016

What's In My Beach Bag | An In-Depth Look

It's finally summer again (or rainy season if you're in Trinidad)! Nevertheless, it's the start of what I like to call "Beach Bum Season", so prepare yourselves for the #IslandLife posts on social media and the cliche laying out by the pool pics. #Guilty

But on a serious note, I have a phobia when it comes to packing my beach bag for a day out. I have self-diagnosed myself with FOFIBE - Fear Of Forgetting Important Beach Essentials. I'm that type of girl to take the entire house with me when I go to the beach because I have all of these scenarios in my head like, "Oh! What if there's a sand storm and I somehow get caught up in the wind and I end up in Oz and my only chance of escape is to head down the yellow brick road and find the wizard? Better not forget these stilettos then! Because really, who wants to be walking down the yellow brick road in flip flops? Not me!" That sort of thing. And now, my FOFIBE is even worse because I have King (my bubba). #Dramatic
I literally walk around my house collecting everything and anything I think I might need for a typical beach day. After about 2 hours and 100 scenarios, I finally am ready to go. Regardless, my way too full beach bag is always stuffed with these:
  • Sunscreen (100 SPF or more)
  • Lip balm
  • Extra large beach towel
  • Regular sized towel
  • Beach mat
  • Favorite book or magazine
  • Water
  • Coverup
  • Sweater
  • Sunglasses
  • Floppy hat
  • Money
  • Cell phone
  • Camera
  • Selfie stick
  • Charger (why? I don't even know!)
  • Headphones
  • Change of clothes x 2
  • Plastic bags for wet bikini
  • Lotion
  • Soap bar
  • Lipgloss
  • Gum
  • Undies
  • Blanket
Hey! What do you always have to have in your beach bag? Comment below and let me know if you too have FOFIBE.



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