Tuesday 30 August 2016

Closet Organization

Organizing your closest can be a daunting task or feel like a burden. Trust me girl, I've been there! It takes precisely zero effort for my closet to go from perfectly put-together to a huge pile of chaos. Just ask me to get dressed and you'll see. I attribute it to the fact that being female, I can't just put on something and go. I have to change outfits 15 times, thus creating a heaping pile on my bed which I then throw into the closet after I've found my ideal outfit. What a mess!

To help me stay organized and make styling outfits a breeze, I do the following:

> Once every few months, I take everything out of my closet. I separate pieces I no longer want from those I can't bear to part with. Then, with those "must-have" pieces, I further separate into categories: dresses, outerwear, tops, jeans, etc.

> Starting with dresses, I place them on the highest bar in the closet, to avoid touching the floor. I separate into like colors.

> Continuing with outerwear, my blazers, jackets and sweaters go on the same bar with the dresses. Keeping like colors together, the outerwear starts mingling with the dresses.

> On the lowest bar, I place tops, jeans and other bottom pieces like shorts and skirts.

> Finally, hats, handbags and other miscellaneous items are placed in storage baskets and kept on the floor of my closet.

The best part of organizing your closet is the gratifying feeling of accomplishment once you stand back and see how neat and tidy everything looks. It's truly refreshing and like Isaac Mizrahi once said, "A messy closet is depressing. Be kind to your clothes."

Thanks for reading 💕 stop by again soon!

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